
Save me

Obsession is scary and jealousy terrifies me.

Each day I pray to God for the power not to succumb to those.

I try to be a forward thinker and open-minded without losing my morals and beliefs. My biases I kept in check for my mind is a mystery.

Anger, envy and malice are like Poison, they eat away the soul.

The spirit is Consumed by rage and the mind is Imprisoned by grudges.

Let go of hate and free yourself from torture.

Greeds kills, it wraps itself around you like a Serpent squeezing out all your breaths while asking for more. Again I pray for a heart that is not consumed by those, a heart that is not blinded by rage and a mind that understands the important things in life.

Mini Poems

To those who knew…….

For those who know the heart but don’t understand, listen close

For those who have seen the soul but still wonders, watch closely

For those who are blind to empathy, open your eyes

For those who’s spirit wanders, keep calm

For those whose mind and soul crave peace, feed it.

For those who wonder where they belong, Understand you don’t have to play their game.

For those who doubt themselves, understand how great you are

For those chained by greed, break the chain and be free

For those who are in a rush, slow down and catch a breath.

For all who read this, be blessed, successful and may your hard work be rewarded.

Quotes of the day

Uplifting Quotes


Quotes for the soul


Quotes for the soul


Quotes for the soul

Quotes of the day

Life Quote


Love as a mirror

Love is like a mirror. When it’s new, it’s whole. Break it and it’s shattered,

broken and in pieces. all laying there in disappear.

Fixed, is not quite the same. The cracks are visible and

edges are sharp as if they are warning and threatening you to back off.

The trauma for the impact forever visible, no amount of cover-up can conceal the damage. The more the mirror is broken and fixed, the more pieces are lost.

Love can be delicate and it can be to the most elegant thing in the room, It can outshine every experience.

But a broken love hurts like a sharp cut. like you have been gutted and left on an empty street like your heart has been reaped out of your chest and feed to the dogs.

It can lead to the darkest of places, to the vast ocean of nothingness. Love as a mirror is a reflection of your peace, Cherish it, protect it and handle it with care.


The Pain

To you who think you understood.

To you who think you know my pain.

You claim you got my back but don’t even listen to me talk.

You look at me in utter confusion as I try to make you understand about this pain, but it seems like your mind is made up.

To you, I’m overreacting. To you the pain is imaginary. To you, the suffering is non-existent.

But I assured is there, We feel it every day.

Tho we have gotten better at hiding it but I believe one day we will overcome it.

And this pain too shall be a part of history

Quotes of the day

Uplifting Quotes

Quotes of the day

Insightful quote

Quotes of the day

Love Quotes


Calculated Risk

Some people think being a calculated risk-taker is a sign of weakness.

Some people think it’s boring and some think you lack the balls to do what’s needed to be done

Risk it all they said, it’s all or nothing they lamented. No risk no gain I was told. They think you are sacred of success for refusing to jump on their bandwagon. Some look down on you because you refuse to give in to their peer pressure.

You tried to explain to them the lifestyle, but they call you beta. They remind you how you overthink and over-analyze. They hit you with the quote “ life is full of unexpected, why worry” or ”you only live once” so what do you got to lose?

To them I reply “everything”.To them answered ”everything”. Everything is what I will lose for being reckless and jumping in headfirst. Being a calculated risk-taker is not the absence of risk, but it’s a Conscious decision to take a reasonable amount of risk that has a low negative effect over one’s life. It’s going into an endeavour after obtaining adequate information need. Is investing in your future wisely without crippling your current self if things go south.

Being a calculated risk-taker, To me, it means you have analyzed and is comfortable with the outcome of your decision.It’s the ideal of understanding the investments, and remembering that you don’t need to put all your eggs in one basket. It’s the understanding that as a business person, You don’t invest your capital on a new product with no clear prospect but rather you invest some of your profits in other to test the water and multiply your profit.

Quotes of the day

Self worth Quotes


Don’t abuse the Friendship

“FRIEND” what a funny word. Some people abuse it some people

Misuse it. What is a friend? who is a friend?. We all have our expectations, our ideas, values and standards.

Friendship in this Morden age has become propaganda. lots of people claim to be your friend yet they know not what friendship

is all about.

Most are your friends out of selfish reasons and convenience. They ride

with you yet will be the first to throw you under the bus. Their expectations are high but yet they made you a second-hand citizen in their life. Your love, kindness, caring, empathy and friendship they think they deserve, but for theirs, you have to earn. Some want you to conform to their idea of whom you are or whom you suppose to be, Instead of supporting you to be the best version of you that you can possibly be.

But Good friends are worth more than gold and more precious than diamonds. It’s someone who knows you for you and not their idea of you. Someone who can be honest with you without being condescending. Someone who is there in your worst moments and someone who can share your happiest moments without being bitter. Someone who is happy for you when you succeed. Someone who sees you as a motivator rather than a competitor. Someone who doesn’t try to take advantage of your kindness. Someone who respects and values you. Remember Good friends are hard to come by when you get one respect them, cherish them and don’t abuse the friendship.


Love and Logic

To live is to love and to love is to live.

But with love comes vulnerability and happiness

With love comes acceptance and hurt

To love is to be and to be is to love.

But To love without logic is to follow blindly.

Society says you can’t be logical when in love.

Some people say if he loves me he should have ………..

Others said I don’t want that kinda love.

The next person asked why doesn’t he love me the way that guy loves her?

Questions, comparisons, confusion and doubts are all they got.

As I said, love is vulnerability and acceptance. Should you blame me for being logical? Is it a crime to think for myself? Or is curiosity stupidity?

We shouldn’t set love and logic against each other but rather encourage

Logical love. A love that appreciates your individuality, a love that doesn’t follow blindly, a love that understands you as a person and not only infatuated. The love that understands that change is inevitable. A love that is not easily influenced. A love that is not only base on your momentary feelings


The Greatest story

As crazy as it is, we all have a story to tell.

Some stories happier than others.

Some stories are full of sadness.

Some stories are so powerful that you feel you can move mountains,

that the stress of yesterday is but a thing of the past.

That the you right now is unstoppable and the world is yours

for the taken.

Some stories so emotional that an Ocean can not compare to the tears you shard. Words can not begin to express the storm you been through. Yes You have passed through hell and back. Have tested the fruit of hopelessness and the seed of disappointments.

Night and day you asked yourself over and over again ”why”.

Why me? Why this moment? Why at this time? Why, why why

Why. Then slowly you tried to fade away and make the pain go away.

Slowly you start to feel like a tree in the middle of the dessert

All because of this story. All because of the story.

Then it hits you, the story is not yet over. You refuse to give up.

You said to yourself, its not done yet. People are looking at you crazy, but you know what you know, that this is not the end. The story is not complete yet, because when all is set and done. All this is but a small part of a greater story. The story of stories, some called it ” The life story”.

You have determined that your story will speak volumes, that your life is going to be a masterpiece,a sight to behold. A testament that you are great and you are a survival. Your life will be the Greatest story ever told.